Monday, November 3, 2008

Proposition 8 (Journal 10)

Tomorrow, November 4th, citizens of The United States of America will vote to elect their new president who will guide the country for the next four years. At the same time, people will vote in favor or against of different propositions in order to make amendments to the Constitution of California. Proposition 8 is an initiative which eliminates right of same sex couples to marry in California. If the proposition pass, a new section will be added ruling the marriage in the state of California. The new section would contain this stipulation "only marriage between a man and woman is valid or recognized in California."
In March 2000, California voters passed proposition 22 to specify in state law that only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California. In May 2008, the California Supreme Court decided that proposition 22 and other statutes that limit the marriage between a man and a woman violated the equal protection clause of the Constitution of California. As a result, on June 17, 2008 California recognized the right of individuals of the same sex to marry under the California Constitution. According to Los Angeles Times, 16,000 same-sex couples have married since June 17th. Many experts in law have said that proposition 8 will fix some mistakes by reaffirming traditional marriage, but this new amendment won't be applied retroactively which means that it won't take away rights of the marriages rule by the Constitution in force.
In my point of view, proposition 8 is unfair. It is not possible take away rights of people with different characteristics. The Constitution of California must to protect all the individuals in equal conditions. Preposition 8 not only is unfair, but also is unnecessary because its effects will hit the economy of the state of California. This would result a decrease in revenue, primarily sales tax revenue, in the state of California.

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